Sixty-five million years ago, during the Cretaceous Period, beings known as the Creators detonate many "Seeds", wiping out most life on Earth. In the present, a geologist named Darcy Tyril discovers a dinosaur corpse covered in a strange metal.
Four years have passed since the Battle of Chicago. Cade Yeager, a struggling inventor, and his friend Lucas buy an old truck to strip it for parts in hopes of sending Cade's daughter Tessa to college. Cade soon discovers that the truck is an injured Optimus Prime and repairs him. Meanwhile, Cemetery Wind, an elite CIA unit headed by paranoid agent Harold Attinger and team leader James Savoy, has been tasked with hunting down the remaining Decepticons. However, he also secretly hunts down the Autobots, believing them to be a threat and intent on ridding earth of them as well. With the aid of the Transformer bounty hunter Lockdown, they ambush and brutally kill Ratchet when they found him hiding on a stern of an abandoned ship...more>>
Four years have passed since the Battle of Chicago. Cade Yeager, a struggling inventor, and his friend Lucas buy an old truck to strip it for parts in hopes of sending Cade's daughter Tessa to college. Cade soon discovers that the truck is an injured Optimus Prime and repairs him. Meanwhile, Cemetery Wind, an elite CIA unit headed by paranoid agent Harold Attinger and team leader James Savoy, has been tasked with hunting down the remaining Decepticons. However, he also secretly hunts down the Autobots, believing them to be a threat and intent on ridding earth of them as well. With the aid of the Transformer bounty hunter Lockdown, they ambush and brutally kill Ratchet when they found him hiding on a stern of an abandoned ship...more>>
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